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Brochure | Three Filipino Figurative Expressions: Ang Kiukok, Onib Olmedo & Solomon Saprid Image
Brochure | Three Filipino Figurative Expressions: Ang Kiukok, Onib Olmedo & Solomon Saprid
Three Filipino Figurative Expressions: Ang Kiukok, Onib Olmedo & Solomon Saprid provides a compelling exploration into the lives and works of three iconic Filipino artists who have left an indelible mark on the country's art scene. Through this exhibition, other personal and we look back to the Sixties, a period marked by worsening economic and political unrest and social crises which prompted the Filipino artists to transform the realities into vivid visual expressions. Such realities are still present today, a fact that validates the statements of the three featured artists.
Tags: Exhibit Visual Arts Exhibit
Jan 01, 1990
-No place given-
Visual Arts